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Abdominal Muscle Myths

Abdominal muscle myths have survived for decades and can be found lurking in every gym. You'll find both guys and girls working on their abs muscles in a gym. But the problem is, many of them are doing the things in a wrong way. So, experts always suggest carrying on workouts with the instructions given by trainers. Main focus of this article will concentrate on how to strengthen abdominal musculature through various muscle actions and patterns. For this purpose, many exercise experts proposed abdominal muscle myths:

1. Abs muscle is different from regular muscles. Ab muscle is a muscle like your quads, biceps, lats, but are not resting on a bony surface, like them - instead they are just like a bridge over a cavern.

2. Train abs at least every other day. You should train your abs every other day so you leave time for recovery, just like any other muscle group. The key is to choose exercises that are hard enough to fatigue the muscles, so they need recovery time to get stronger. Add some exercises that use the abs functionally - the way they're being used in real life. For example, abdominals are used to stabilize the body. Feel this function by taking a push-up position without letting yourself down. Just be in that position and feel your abs going crazy trying to isometrically contract to stabilize your body.

3. Regular ab exercises melt away abdominal fat . Burning abdominal fat is the same as burning fat anywhere on your body: You have to exercise uniformly to expel more calories than you take in. Also you have to take right food combinations with abdominal exercises which always help in fat burning.

4. High repetitions are required to make gains . Let's suppose you want to work your biceps, then you must do maximum concentration curls by periodically increasing the weights in order to get good results. Making abdominal gains follows the same principle. The reason behind doing repetitions in exercises is that we're not working them hard enough. If you find you have to do 50-100 crunches before fatiguing then you must do it and always work with perfect technique. Here are some of the important technique tips:

  • Pull the shoulder blades together on the crunches without pulling your head forward or rounding the upper back.
  • Make your abdominals contract before anything moves.
  • Go steadily and slowly. If you go too fast, you use momentum and not muscle.

5. You need to do lots of sit-ups. You need to do good number of sit-ups regularly as it always strengthens the abdominal part. Although it's the muscle that shows the most, one of the most important reasons to strengthen the abdominal area is for back health. We should also combine a few different exercises with them which will also strengthen the external oblique, internal oblique, and the transverse abdominals. Remember, variety is the key.

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